

As a young Tanzanian immigrant growing up in Washington, DC, there was always a dedicated space in our home where my mother kept a supply of African fabrics ready to be used to make an outfit for any occasion. My parents would take us to such occasions, where I would see guests dressed in custom attire. No two outfits were ever the same. As an adult holding on to customary practices, I found myself keeping a similar collection of fabrics in my own home but having fewer occasions to wear the ornate designs.I began thinking of how else I could use these fabrics in ways other than clothing. As a lover of home decor, I've created a variety of items for the home, such as pillows and curtains. However, in 2018, after a chance encounter with a landscaper who gifted me planters, Plush x Holland was reborn.

Though I have no green thumb, I love working with planters and containers. I love creating products using the colorful fabrics that remind me of my childhood for mainstream use. I want people, like myself, to find familiarity and comfort in these fabrics and be inspired to incorporate my creations into their spaces. For those unfamiliar with the fabric from my homeland, I hope it sparks a newfound love of these textiles.

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